Friday, January 27, 2012


My relationships with coffee are the longest and the sweetest.
I used to drink coffee 3-4 time a day, at home, on a go, in the office, back at home. 
Now I drink it 3-4 times a month at home, slowly, indulging in every sip. 
It became more of the ritual, it's a "Me" time.

Coffee beans go into the grinder and I crank it rhythmically a few times until beans are ground. That motion is the best stress "remedy" for me.

Then I empty the coffee into a coffee pot, the old fashioned one, pour hot water over it and put on the stove. I stir it until froth starts to raise and then I lift the pot from the heat. 
I add a pinch of high quality salt, and pour it in a coffee cup. Coffee aroma fills the kitchen, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Mmmm. I am in paradise! 

Do you have a "Me" time? How do you like to spend it?

Until next time,
Cowboy Country Vegetarian


  1. Coffee is how I wake up. And I mean that in the most wonderful way! It's not slurp, buzz and go - but a gradual awakening to the world. I love it. You have me thinking I should find a ritual...

  2. Thank you Claudia. Tea wakes me up in the morning, I don't have cravings for coffee anymore. But I love the ritual.

  3. Love your "stress remedy"! We have an old Coffee grinder from Europe and used to love the aroma of the fresh coffee. The electric grinder does not have the special effect...

    1. Yes, I agree, it doesn't. I use my electric one to grind eggshells for my garden...:)

  4. I love your ritual! I'm not a tea drinker, but I love the ritual of tea. My "me" time is either at the movies or I go to a fast-food restaurant (I know - but it's my indulgence) and sit with a diet soda and a book. I don't know why, but I LOVE those places!

    1. Everyone has a right to their own "me" time, and place doesn't matter. Whatever helps you to relax and just be you. Thanks for the comment!

  5. I love the old coffee-tradition! ^^ I have a lot of me-time, but when I'm able to sew, cook, make bentos or show off my art skills in some way - that's when I'm the happiest and the most stress-free.

    1. And that is what makes "me" time - whatever brings happiness and joy. Thanks !

  6. I actually had a "me" time on Friday with coffee which I also rarely drink! I awarded you a Liebster Blog Award! Stop by my blog and email me for details! :-)

  7. I feel the exact same way about a nice warm cup of tea! I love to sit with a cup and just do nothing for 10 minutes after I get the kids out the door to school.

    1. I hear you Jen. It's amazing how just 10 minutes can transform us, isn't it?!
