Monday, March 5, 2012

Fats, Good Fats

Walnuts and sunflower seeds honey bar... What a treat! 

I don't have an intention to preach here what is good and what is bad for you. We are all adults and free to make our own choices. What I want to do is I want to share with you, my friends, what I love to eat and how it helps me to loose weight. And I want everyone to be comfortable here...
Today we are talking fats. Oils, batter, nuts, avocado (although botanically it's  a berry, a big one), and seeds.
My favorite oils are olive, walnut, hemp and sunflower. And I use it just a little, a drizzle, a spray puff (I use spritzer), a teaspoon when cooking. I am not talking about moderation here. Rather enjoyable minimization, and for that I use a high quality oils like Greek, Tuscan, French. Instead of frying I bake my food with either wine, lemon juice, or vegetable stock. Eggplants, cut in half, and baked with a white wine have a delicious taste, creamy texture, and a thin golden brown crust on the cut.

Lunch: open sandwich with mushroom caviar, tomatoes, sprouts and parsley. Unsweetened green tea with lemon and mint.

Butter. I've tried the healthy stuff out there, but butter is still the best choice for me. The real butter, made with milk from pasture raised cows. A few times a month we would start our Saturday morning with a freshly brewed coffee and a toast with a butter: spread a small piece on a warm toast and the aroma of the meadow pleasantly hits your senses. It's a treat...
Nuts. Of that we eat a lot, walnuts being our absolute favorite. An apple and a few walnuts make a perfect never boring snack. I eat about 10-15 walnut halves per day, sometimes 20, sometimes none. I've read somewhere that walnuts are good for my brain as well, so there is a double benefit! :)
I do love avocado from time to time. I use it more for my kale dressing, and about once a week for a sandwich.

Dinner: angel hair Jerusalem artichoke pasta with sprouts, roasted red pepper, and drizzle of Greek olive oil.

And last but not list is my all time favorite: sunflower seeds. I was addicted to sunflower seeds, I couldn't stop eating it when I had them at home. I couldn't control myself when I had sunflower butter: one jar was often gone the same day I made it (yes, I prefer homemade sunflower butter).
Let me tell you a secret: if I am left on an exile island with a bag of sunflower seeds I would consider it a luxury vacations! Yep, that's how much I love sunflower seeds!
Although 100 gr (3.4oz) of sunflower seeds have 10 g of dietary fiber (not bad, ha?!) and 22 g of protein along with other vitamins and nutrients, it is also a high in calories, 570 kcal per same 100 grams, which is a lot! 
Sadly, my relationships with sunflower seeds had to change, dramatically and significantly. And, oh boy, did I have a withdrawal?! Ask my family... :)
I was nuts about those seeds! It took me a good five to six months to finally find a piece with the sunflower seeds, or rather with not having the sunflower seeds. I do buy the sunflower seeds from time to time, but the big craving is gone, so now I can manage having it at home. It's a big victory, if you ask me!

I made this super delicious candy as a treat. I shared it with some friends too.

How do you handle your cravings? 
Do you have your own story to share?

Until next time,
Cowboy Country Vegetarian

Disclaimer: Please, consult a medical professional prior to changing your diet or starting an exercise program.


  1. Ten years ago I was not aware of what is good or bad for my body.Gradually I learnt to improve my food habits and eat well balanced diet. Some of the foods which I love to eat to curb my cravings is walnuts, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and of course chips. I take out in a small bowl and enjoy every chip.

  2. I've never been on diet, but i agree that we need a healty life style. Even if your recipes are vegetarian they all look yummy and i'm sure they have a great taste.
    Best wishes!

    1. Thanks you Danutza! All my vegetarian recipes can be used with a portion of meat, if someone wants.

  3. Wow, this looks like the type of bar that you would pay a fortune for - how fun to be able to make them at home!

    1. Thank you! It is easy to make. I just have to remember the recipe and post it!

  4. Yummy your pasta and Dessert looks so so good.

  5. Um that honey bar....I kind of need that right now. YUM. I definitely agree that good fats are very important as well as a good balance of protein and un-processed carbs. All about balance.

    1. Yep, you are right: it's all about Balance.

  6. Seriously, looks delicious to me. Those treats look awesome. Love nuts and seeds. Are you sharing the recipe?

    1. I will share recipe soon, I need to make it and take pictures. I made it just for fun, and later realized I didn't take any picture or notes. :)

  7. Hi Marina, Greetings from Costa Rica, I found you through Olguis from the blog RECETAS AL INSTANTE. I always like to meet new people and from other countries. I really like the Walnuts and sunflower seeds honey bar and your and specially the open sandwich with mushroom caviar, tomatoes, sprouts and parsley that you made. I like you blog and I’m stying here so i can learn more about you.
    Hugs and many blessings to you.

  8. Those treats look really good. I need to make myself more snack food because I always end up snacking on baked goods which isn't the healthiest. I don't deprive myself of much in the craving department but I do try to avoid buying pre-made stuff and figure if I've made it myself it's at least a bit healthier, even if there's two sticks of butter in there :)

    1. It sure is healthier, no doubts about that! And you know what else? It saves some cash too...:)

  9. I love walnuts too, they are one of my favorite nuts!

  10. Hi Marina. What a treat indeed. I love fats, good or bad, as long as everything in moderation (including moderation itself). The nutty honey bar looks just fantastic :)

    1. Do you take yoga with Bryan?! That's what he always says: everything in moderation, including moderation...:) Thanks Michael!

  11. Oh Marina, I find myself eating all the time these days. I do not know how to stop this. I love nuts in general and I like the ones that are richer in calories more... :-( Let's hope that I will manage to put an end to this.

    1. I sometimes have those days too, so I keep myself out of the kitchen: anything but kitchen. You sure can manage it, you are strong! Thanks you for the gift, I am getting and inspiration for a new treats (it doesn't have to be sweets though!). Do you want to talk? email me, I will listen, dear friend... I am with you

  12. I think it's the hardest to find healthy snacks that satisfy your sweet tooth...or salty! I just ate a few raw nuts with one thin crisp wafer with cream cheese on top. This was my snack with a cup of coffee. I can't eat sugar at all so it's a challenge for me. ♥

    1. Diane, that sound delicious for me too! Yes, sugars are the addiction hard to conquer...

  13. Hello Marina,

    So nice stopping by your blog and reading many of your posts. Lovely place you have here! So nice meeting you!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  14. Great idea snacking on nuts. I find that I need something crunchy to satisfy any urges and so nuts with the good fats and crunchiness satisfy well :)

    1. Am I lucky or what? I am being visited by two Lorraines: I need to make a wish. OK, done. :) Do you know what I found out? That we don't need a lot at all, it is just something about our uncontrollable habit to chew from time to time... As soon as I get in charge, I want less. Paradox? But I have to get in charge before my instincts though...:)

  15. loving the series marina.. this is informative & has got me thinking..That a positive step for me now!

    1. Thank you Rasi. I am glad it has positive effect on you.

  16. I love sunflower seeds also. I use in salads and cookies-)) I like to make some healthy bars!

    1. When I put together the recipe and don't forget to take photos, I will post those bars...:) stay tuned, dear friend! I have the recipe that I was suppose to follow but never did, as usual...:) I cut on sugar a lot for this recipe, really, I used like 1/4 from the suggested amount. And it came out really good, my husband said to make more like this. So I guess, I have to get back to the kitchen...:)

  17. Marina, I too consider butter one of the good fats IF it's organic, pastured, etc. Nuts and seeds are definitely good fats. I wish some of the people who are living on diet soda and diet frozen meals to lose weight would at least add a handful of nuts to their daily diet!

    1. Thank you Jean. I absolutely agree with you on that.

  18. I have just bought a bag of Sunflower seeds last weekend and was thinking wat to do with it. Guess what ! I just got an idea .. a wonderful one indeed :)

    Happy to follow u dear

    UK Rasoi
