Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break

Teenager is on a spring break, which means no early morning alarms, no driving him to and from the school, the  soccer practice, and any other scheduled and unscheduled activities. For the last two days I slept in almost until noon! That is my very personal record: I don't remember when I let myself to rest this much. But to my defense came my practical wisdom: my body knows better what it needs the most at this moment, so be it.
Rested and really energized, I made an unusual breakfast for a weekday: homemade cream cheese with homemade plum sauce and raspberries.

Cheese and raspberries with a plum sauce

I need to tell you that a homemade soft cheeses taste very different from the commercial. When making the cheese I keep it plane to be able to create a different flavors later: from savory to sweet. Making a soft cheese is not hard at all, and no special equipment needed. A gallon of milk, a stainless still pot, a package of culture, thermometer, and a cheese cloth. The end result is a reward to all your taste buds: creamy texture, fresh taste, no preservatives (which is very important in our family), and versatility it provides: I use it in fillings for my savory bread, as a dressing ingredient, a spread, a dessert, you name it.

Kale chips with egg and radishes, sprinkled with Alaea Hawaiian sea salt

For dinner I made a simple kale chips for my Kale Tuesday with some vegetables and an egg. 
Simple. Delicious. Whole. 

What Kale meal did you make today?

See you,


  1. I agree, your body tells you what it wants and if you need sleep you will sleep! :D

    1. When our work and other responsibilities allow us to do so...:)Thanks Lorraine!

  2. I've been feeling kinda the same way - I went back to bed this morning after breakfast and took a nap! Sometimes you gotta listen to your body ..

    1. Sure thing. If we don't listen to our bodies, then our bodies stop listen to us, then we are in trouble!

  3. The breakfast looks awesome...should try your breakfast, problem is I hardly ever make any effort for brekky, too lazy...I keep making cheese at home...love the taste of it...yes at times we should just listen to our bodies...:-)

    1. Thanks Suchi. I am trying to feed teenager variety of meals while he is on spring break...:)

  4. Your breakfast looks delicious! I've never made soft cheese~ the texture looks more like ricotta than cream? Enjoy sleeping in for spring break :)

    1. Thanks Mary! It doesn't have a heavy cream in it for that creamy texture. I just made it light...:)

  5. One of these days I am going to find time and attempt to make cheese.
    Your breakfast looks yummy and I am drooling looking at it.

    1. Norma, cheese doesn't take a lot of time. You just need to attend to it from time to time, and soft cheese is very easy to make. I haven't tried hard cheese yet. Good luck!

  6. I've always wanted to try to make my own cheese. I tell hubby all the time that I want a goat farm on a vineyard so I can make cheese and wine ;-)

    1. Aha! I'd love that too. Let me know when you start so I can "invite" myself to try it! :) I just told my husband that I don't care how big the house is, but I do care how much land there is. Actually, I do care how small the house is: cleaning is no fun!

  7. The soft cheese looks and sounds yummy and very interesting. I think I would love it. It sounds awesome with the plum sauce and raspberries. The Kale chips sound wonderful. I love kale, but I don't make it very often, but the chips could really work for me. The plate with the boiled egg, radish and kale is very beautiful. The colors are stunning and look delicious! Have a fabulous day.

    1. Thank you Ginger. I stated this Kale Tuesday to force myself and family to have kale at least once a week, and fell in love with it. Now I have kale a few times a week.

  8. Here in Greece schools have two weeks break for Easter holidays and I can't wait for them. Perhaps I am more eager than my son. Just to get rid of the hectic school rythm of everyday. You kale looks very healthy and inviting! Soft cheese is project that's in my things to do. You paired yours perfectly with the raspberries!

    1. That's thoughtful, parents and kids can visit families and do things together around Easter. I would love to see it here, although we have one year and a bit left to graduation.

  9. I've always wanted to make cheese but have been intimidated. That all looks amazing! Sleeping until noon also sounds pretty delightful :)

    1. I don't remember when I allowed myself to do it last time! For a split of the second I felt guilty for letting myself to sleep that long, but only for a split of the second! :)

  10. Hello Marina,
    I have 'tagged' you in my post and would love to have you come over and take a look:)Hope it will be fun for you!!Do stop by!


  11. Oh, your breakfast looks amazing!!! Both beautiful and delicious :)

    1. Thank you Lizzy. I am in the dessert mode this spring brake!

  12. What a gorgeous breakfast! Very nice indeed!

  13. I need to stock on kale -- it's been a while! :D
