Thursday, April 5, 2012

A to Z About Me

Balvinder from Gluten Free Food gave me the ABC (Awesome Blog Content) award. I love what Balvinder said about it: "awards boost up your blogging spirit". 
The rules to accept this ABC award are to share  some facts about myself using each letter of the alphabet before sharing it along.
Thank you, Balvinder! I am touched by your kindness!

 A to Z about me

A - I love adventure, and I have an ambitious attitude towards achieving my goals.

Kirkland Marina (WA)

B - Believe in blogging! 
Blue is my favorite color, any shade and any close "neighbors" on a color wheel.
Anthony Bourdain and his No Reservations.

C - Cats. These creatures are so cute, I am melting just from the thought of cats.

He is so adorable, my friend's cat!

D - dill is my favorite herb. I even add dill seeds to my tea sometimes.

E - endurance. "Endurance is patience concentrated." Thomas Carlyle 

"Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage" by Alfred Lansing is my favorite book. 

F - family, friends, flowers, flour.

One of the quilts at the Pacific Quilt Show, 2008

G - Grandmother - for all my skills in the kitchen, for life's wisdom I own it to her. 
Google, garden, gym, grapes, GPS. 
Gorgon Ramsay, and amazing chef and interesting person. You may know him by his Kitchen's Nightmares and Hells Kitchen, but actually it's his stage image. I think the real person can be seen in Gordon's Great Escapes, and in his books Gordon Ramsay's Playing With Fire and Roasting in Hell's Kitchen. 

H - health is priceless.


I- Internet, ingredients.

J - joy of home cooking, Julia Child. 
July - my dad was born on 4th of July, my daughter and I were born in July. What not to love about July?! :)

Vacations in July are so much fun!

K- kimchi. I use to work with Korean ladies, and they introduced me to a great Korean cuisine.

L - to laugh with people I love makes me happy.

M - I am a mother to two beautiful children, my daughter and son, and I love them so much!


N - natural living. My dream is to build an eco-friendly home somewhere on the Pacific coast...

O - Oceans: Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic. Haven't been to Indian yet.

Parents on Pacific coast

P - Parents. They are my friends, they are my coaches, they are my salvation when I need it. 

Q - Quilt shows. Exhibits there are incredible. Imagine art gallery, but instead of paint someone used a small pieces of fabric and thread.

Art : just  fabric and thread...

R - I am a big fan of any Road Trips, short, long. And I need to be a driver. Best therapy ever!

Hwy 101 entering Golden Gate bridge

S - Sun. A friendly sun, not the aggressive 120F (50C) flame breathing sun.
I hate snakes, spiders, scorpions - to the point that when I see it, my first reaction is to scream, and then to deal with it. Just a few days after we moved to the South, my son went outside the house, we rented, and stepped on a snake. Fortunately, he decapitated it with his soccer cleats. When we asked landlord about it, his respond really shook me off: we got lucky as cottonmouth snakes are very poisonous, he said.

T - My all time favorite is tomato. My friends sometimes give me a tomato on a vine instead of flowers for my birthday. 
I am frantically afraid of tornado. 

U - understanding. The world would be a paradise if we could just understand each other better.

V - Vegetables, from artichoke to zucchini.

W - Washington state. Even though I live in the South, my home in my heart is Seattle. 

City we call our home

X - XBox :) Gotta have some fun! 

Y - yoga makes me a better person, and thinner.

Z - zest: lemon, orange, lime give such an incredible aroma and taste to anything from salad to tea and coffee...

Deception Pass, WA

Here are my nominees:

Love for food
The skinny architect
Project little Smith
and I hope they will accept it! 

See you,


  1. Oh loved reading this! So much fun getting to know bloggers better.

    1. Thank you Heather. Yes, someone came up with a very clever idea!

  2. I absolutely love your list of a to z. Perfect. I really want to do this!! You are Awesome will start my "A"!! Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you Ginger! You are very kind! Happy Easter to you too!

  3. Very cool! Nice to get to know you better! And congrats on the award!

  4. Congratulations on your award! And I love dill too and I'm going to try adding it to my tea! :P

    1. Dill in the tea is goooood! Let me know if you like it!

  5. Except for the cats I could be reading my a-z, especially T - love tomatoes (although i suspect you guessed that already....)

    1. Great! Yes, Liz, I did. I do love your blog and that perfect tomato you grow!

  6. Thank you Marina! I love this award , it's now on my blog!!

  7. Thanks so much! I'll have to do some head scratching and come up with a few things, your list us great!

  8. Lovely photographs.
    I think amongst all these H stands out.
    Health is the most important factor. If health gives you company then the sky is the limit.

    1. Thanks, yes, we were just talking about it today again how precious health is.

  9. It is fun to know about each other. The clicks are stunning and I agree health is priceless.

    1. Thanks Balvinder for nominating me. I enjoyed doing this post.

  10. What a fun posting! (In agreement about the wonderful month of July) and zest! Orange, lemon and zest for life! Have a beautiful holiday weekend!

  11. What a fabulous post, Marina! Great photos of your parents and children :) You were speedy...I was tagged, too, but it will take me a while to get my thoughts set the bar high!

    1. Thank you Lizzy. It took me about a week to put it all together. :)

  12. What a beautiful post! Enjoyed reading it.

  13. Dear Marina. It is a beautiful post.
    Happy Easter. Blessings my dear. Catherine xo

  14. Thanks so much Marinia!! Of course I accept, it's been awesome getting to know you!! Hope you had a wonderful Easter! :-)
