Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day Cake, and a Basket

 Fresh berries cake with a lemon zest cream topping

Thinking of the Father's Day post, I asked myself a question: what my father would like? My first thought was a cake, but not just any cake, something my father would eat. Oh, no, he is not a picky one! He has a sweet tooth for our whole big family. However because of his diabetes, he can't eat sweets anymore.  I found a recipe, twisted it a little bit around, and made a diabetic-friendly cake. I know my dad would really enjoy it all to himself! (The recipe is coming in the next post).

Another thought I had was about my/partially dad's garden. Back in January, when my parents were visiting us, my dad started my little garden: he prepared garden beds, changed a soil in the boxes, walked me through on seed preparation  before planting, patiently answered a zillion gardening questions I asked him. Now they are back in Europe, but each time we Skype or talk on the phone, dad always asks me about the garden. And a big thanks to Skype and my blog, he can actually see it growing.  So as another gift from mother-nature and my labor is this basket of today's harvest. 

Today's harvest: tomatoes, basil, jalapeno and banana peppers
I know my dad would be happy seeing those gifts. 

Happy Father's Day! :)

See you, 


  1. Isn't technology wonderful? I bet he loved seeing your garden growing! :D

  2. Wonderfully looking cake. It would be perfect for my grandma that has to cut out sugar from her diet, so I can't wait for the recipe:-)

  3. the cake just looks too enticing...mouthwatering!

  4. That cake looks marvellous. Its interesting our Mother's Day is the same day as yours but our Father's day isn't until September.

    1. That is interesting indeed. Some countries don't have Mother's and Father's days at all.

  5. Fabulous photos Marina - and how satisfying it must have been to harvest those beautiful herbs and veggies! I have a similar relationship with my two daughters as that which you describe. One of my girls lives in France, and we always have a good natter about her balcony garden whenever we talk. I'm just a bit confused about the Father's Day cake. Did your Dad have to use Skype to watch you eat it on his behalf - or did you send him the recipe?? :-)

    1. Lol, yes Mark, something like that: I ate some cake while talking to him via Skype. My mother is an excellent cook, I am sure she makes him this cake too!

  6. Very nice, Marina! The cake is beautiful too. I liked hearing about you and your Father gardening together. Nice to know you stopped by too!

    1. Thanks Jacqueline. Your blog is very charming... :)

  7. Gorgeous cake! And the photography is so sharp and clear. Beautiful work, Marina!

    1. Thank you Averie! I appreciate your comment about my photography. For an amateur photographer in me it's a great compliment! :)

  8. Looks great Marina! Can't wait to see what is in that cake, it looks so light!

  9. Great looking cake Marina and your harvest looks amazing!

  10. This looks really a great cake slice. Will be looking for recipe.

  11. That does look wonderful! We love Skype, too but haven't done it internationally! That would be neat!

    1. Skype doesn't have borders and customs! :) Neat tool!

  12. Delicious pictures. Touching post. You are a thoughtful daughter.

  13. This cake looks like every fathers dream my friend :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  14. Skype is wonderful! And such a nice post. You've got a great garden - my tomatoes aren't close to being ready to harvest!

  15. Indeed Skype brings family members and friends so close to each other! The harvest I am sure made your father proud and the sweet would be perfect for him. My father has diebetes too and he abstains from sweets as well!

    1. My mother has to be very creative as my dad has a sweet tooth for a whole family: no one loves sweets more than him! :)

  16. What a wonderful father's day gift, I am sure your Dad enjoyed it very much.

  17. So thoughtful and that cake looks really delicious!
