Friday, July 27, 2012

Dragonflies and Yoga

Yesterday I had a couple of my yogi friends coming over for a fresh pasta lunch. I had all menu  planned in my head: I would make a dough, and while it's resting I would make some fillings for tortellinis and work on sauces for pasta. By the time they would come I should have everything ready to go into a pot with boiling water. That was a perfect plan, and on that happy note I got out of bed, stretching myself for a day ahead. 
Then Mr. I.V. called and said he wants to invite for dinner his buddy, who is in town for a few days. Great, I told him, would be lovely to have him at our home, and would be an excuse for me to cook different dishes. I went downstairs, smiling and  blissfully unaware of what was in store for me. 
As I approached the kitchen sink the scene of a horror movie in the kitchen appeared before my eyes: both of my kitchen sinks were backed up with raising sewage water. My first reaction was a semi-hysterical laugh... 

We have this major issue with the plumbing system, which can be fixed completely only by ripping off the floor and replacing all the plumbing. It is not possible to do while people (us) are living here, so from time to time we have to call the plumbers to fix it until the next backup. Usually, we call plumbers every other month, but this time we haven't seen them for about four months, which helped me to forget all about the plumbing issue... until now. 
My second reaction was more logical: I called the landlord. A few minutes later he called me back saying that plumbers would be there in an hour. Good, I thought, it would still leave me with plenty time to prepare lunch. 

When we have some extra tortellinis, I freeze it to be used on a "rainy" day

Two hours later, when no one showed up, I had to change my lunch plans. I had some frozen tortellinis,  that I would use. Then I can bake some eggplants with cheese and make fresh garden salad. Lunch was covered, and I had a high hopes that plumbers would come at some point that would leave me with enough time to prepare dinner. 
When my friends came, table was served and we had a good two hours of laughter and fun, and some noise as well: they also remembered that lunch was around my birthday and brought those noise making horns, which with no hesitation we put to it's laud use!  
After my friends left, I put all dishes in a dishwasher, still patiently waiting for plumbers. At four o'clock in the afternoon I decided to make another call to the landlord. He was surprised to learn that plumbers had not come yet and promised to find out why shortly.  

Garden salad

Apparently, there was a major break down two blocks away and they were working on fixing it. Outside, in over 100F (40C)? I already felt bad for those men. When they finally arrived, they were all covered in dirt, tired and rather sad. They apologized for being late, cleaned themselves off the mud before entering the apartment, and started to work. 
To their sincere surprise, instead of being upset for their late coming, I offered them some cold water and a piece of cake. They gratefully accepted my offerings and carried on with their work. 
Half an hour later  I was able to use the kitchen sink again, happy to enjoy this simple thing of modern convenience.  
For our dinner with the friend from out of town I made some roasted potatoes, garden salad again, and roasted chicken. We opened a bottle of good wine, and got into warm and lovely discussion about all things life. 
At the end, what a joyful day it was! 

You must wonder, what yoga and dragonflies has to do with all of it? Well, in Asia dragonfly is a symbol of a new beginnings, happiness, courage, strength. And it happened that the very same day I caught with my camera two dragonflies in my garden. 
Yoga is one of my "new beginnings" that teaches me to see same things from the different prospective, without overreacting. Yoga also teaches me to enjoy and appreciate small and simple things in life without the distraction from the outside world. 

A little over a year ago, before I stated my yoga practice, my reaction in the similar situation would be like this: I would call off  both the lunch and the dinner, I would pace around my apartment impatiently waiting for plumbers, I would call the landlord every hour, getting more and more upset. And no cake would've been offered to the plumbers for sure. The day would be ruined...  

So, take a deep breath, my friends. 
And put a smile on your heart, it is totally worth it... :)

See you,


  1. Backed up sewer water in the sinks would get my attention that's for sure. You're doing the right things if you took it all with ease and knew that everything would work out all right.

    Love the photos!

    1. Thank you Maureen. Your compliments on my photo really inspire me to improve my modest photo skills... :)

  2. Beautiful pictures. A Wonderful post, Marina. Thank you.

    1. Hi Sheila, I am glad you liked it. Thank you for coming... :)

  3. Your reaction a year ago is exactly what I would do!
    I need to look into yoga or a way to change my prespective. I was reading your post and thinking I would have never been this cool!

    1. Thank you Sawsan. It took me some time to realize that sometimes small disturbances take away a joy of our already complicated life... :)

  4. thanks a lot for sharing.. nice post.

  5. What a day you had, and you handled it at ease with the three C's! Cool, Calm, and Collected! I haven't done any yoga in ages. I should get back to it if only for the meditative value.

    1. I surprised myself too, apparently I could be Cool, Calm and Collected... :) Thanks Della!

  6. Awesome meals, here's to great new beginnings!

  7. What a fantastic philosophy and attitude Marina, thank you for reaffirming what is the right way to approach and deal with things.
    Beautiful photographs!
    Have a happy weekend.
    :-) Mandy
    PS. Thank you for stopping by my little spot in the blogosphere.

    1. Hi Mandy, thanks for visiting my blog. I am glad you enjoyed it. :)

  8. What a day!!!!! Handling it with such ease and aplomb, this calls for a huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
    Glad all went as planned and the day had a joyful ending.

    1. Hi Norma, thank you for your kind words. :)

  9. What a lovely story Marina. What a lovely yoga story. My life transforms through yoga in a similar way. The perspective changes, because you start looking on the bright side of life:-) You offer good karma and you receive good karma back :-)

    1. Thanks Joanna. I think yoga helps me to enjoy small things that went unnoticed before... :)

  10. What a wonderful piece! Thank you for the reminder that we don't have to let events around us impact the way we feel. Just breath!

    1. Thank you Linda. Somehow deep breathing does help to deal with stress, and sometimes it just melts the stress away... :)

  11. Your pictures are very beautiful! Dragonflies have a special place in my heart, they are really magical. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Oh your reaction is that of understanding and that is lovely Marina! :D I bet they thought that cake and water was a nice gesture and I wonder if they'll be the first to volunteer again if you have any plumbing issues! :)

    1. We've had them coming over so many times that they became almost like a friends. And it is not their fault that the plumbing system doesn't work properly, it is just in need of replacement. They do what they can, and they definitely were in need of water and cake that day... :)

  13. Marina, ...well thank goodness I quickly figured out what does 'dragonfly, and yoga' have to do with each other...he,he...but as I was eagerly reading your interesting post, there were more issues to be dealt with...poor you!

    Plumbing issues are the worst kind, and I know how you feel, especially when you have to cook lunch or dinner, but you saved the day with your most amazing tortellini, that I remember you made in the previous post...home made, Yumm!
    Your garden salad is colorful and refreshing, your kitty looks sooo cute perching up on the, love, everything you shared. Lovely photos, as well!

    1. Hi Elisabeth, thanks for your wonderful comment. It made me feel warm... :)

  14. I love your post - I have to remind myself daily that all I need to recenter myself is take a big breath :)

    1. Isn't it amazing what a couple of deep breaths can do with our emotions?! Thanks for your comment, Yudith! :)

  15. Very nice post and beautifully written. I always thought when I got older, I would be more patient. I'm not sure now how old I thought I would be! lol Enjoy your weekend! That cat is gorgeous....what a beautiful color!

    1. Thank you Diane. I had similar thoughts too, but then I thought why wait? :)

  16. Good for you! And what a fabulous post - I love that you gave them cake.

    1. Thank you Liz! I felt bad for poor guys, that worked all day in the 45C heat... :)

  17. Those tortellinis look awesome! Perfect to go with some garden salad for the lunch.
    Beautiful snap of the dragonfly (Just saw one or there were two there?)

    1. Thanks Angie. There were two dragonflies in the garden, but this photo has only one of them... :)

  18. You sure did cope well. That is a difficult situation and your truly were calm, relaxed and contained - stress-free! And that bought tortollini looks delicious. I'm glad the story has a happy ending xx

    1. Thank you! :) And actually those are home made tortellinis... :) I wish though I could buy something like that...

  19. I admire your writing style. You do amazing posts and I enjoy reading them all.
    The menu you prepared is great. I love the look of those tortellini; the salad looks fresh and summery and combined with a refreshing drink it is just pure perfection. X

    1. Thank you Alida. Your comments put a smile on my heart for sure... :)

  20. Good philosophy, Marina! I'm glad it turned out ok in the end. I have always loved dragonflies, but never knew of their symbolism!

    1. Hi Jane, philosophy is a rock yet to be conquered, as well as many of life's wisdom... :)

  21. What a great frame of mind you're in! I'd have been impatiently phoning the landlord every hour - maybe I should try yoga! Sounds like a great day, in any case. And kitty pictures are always appreciated. ;-)

    1. John, it takes time... :) Thank you for your comments!

  22. When we make plans, God smiles! Well, after all these it wasn't a bad day. You got to share it with friends which is very important!

    1. Yes, Katerina, it's all in us, what we see in our day... :)

  23. What a lovely post! The food looks amazing!!!

  24. Those plates have me grinning my friend, they look so delicious :D
    Yoga makes you relaxed and rested no matter what happens - good on you!

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Thanks CCU. You always find kind words, dear friend... :)

  25. Hi Marina! Thank you for visiting my blog so that I could find you! And I'm glad that I read this post and meet you. I think I need to yoga to keep me sane. Life is short and we must appreciate small and simple things in life, and I often get distracted easily by what I "have to" and "want to" do... and I forget to enjoy life. Thanks for the great reminder and you also make delicious meals!

    1. Thank you Nami for visiting me. I am glad you liked this post, and I hope to see you back again... :)

  26. Thank you Lucia! It is very kind of you... :)

  27. Your cat is adorable! I love dragonflies too. My parents have two ponds in their gardens so dragonflies were a regular sight, much to the delight of their two cats... murderous critters. It was always so sad when I'd see them in the process of being crunched in half by the cats. I'd chase them away but it was always too late!

    1. Thank you Charles. Actually it is not my cat, it's my friend's cat. But I love him as much...
      Cats were chasing dragonflies?! Wow, what an impressive scene!

  28. Such grace under pressure, Marina. I applaud you. Your emergency tortellini is something my Mom would have had in reserve. She always kept some tomato sauce and chicken broth in her freezer. If we brought a friend or friends to dinner, she would add a pasta dish or risotto to the dinner and all was well.

    1. Thank you John! Isn't simple food most desirable? I make some pasta sauce from roasted tomatoes that everyone just loves, and it is also very simple... :)

  29. Marina, what a lovely post. I'm sure those dragonflies were there for a purpose that day, to remind you to enjoy the moment and stay calm and graceful in spite of your plumbling issues that day. I'm amazed that you managed to host lunch AND dinner successfully. You really deserved a medal! ;)

    1. Thank you Maya! I am glad you enjoyed the post. Sometimes I can handle situation better, sometimes situation handles me. :) I try to do first more, although it's not always easy...
