Tuesday, December 25, 2012

White Christmas

Who knew that our Christmas would be white after all! We don't get much snow in this parts of the country, but this year we had a Christmas wish come true: it started to snow in the mid-afternoon and snowed until all ground was covered with a white blanket. Beautiful!

The following picture was taken 24 hours earlier, on Christmas Eve:

The Teenager enjoying the sun on Christmas Eve ...

There is something romantic, magical, idyllic about the white Christmas...

Friend's house

It is the best time to share a cake with family and friends. 
Thank you all for coming into my life and filing my heart with joy. 

See you,


  1. A white Christmas is very pretty! Glad you enjoyed yours. Hope you had a Merry Christmas Marina!

  2. Looks like you had a perfect Christmas with a nice blanket of snow! We're in the midst of a blizzard now...a good day to stay home :)

  3. Merry Christmas, Marina! I hope you are having wonderful time with your family and friends.

  4. White Christmas is perfect, unfortunately not in our town. But we had a fruit cake also-)) What are you planning to cook for New Year's eve?

  5. It is beautiful, isn't it? You certainly had more snow than we did. What little we had arrived Christmas morning.
    Hope your Christmas was wonderful, Marina.

  6. That Christmas cake looks so delicious! :D And it's true, there's something so magical about a white Christmas!

  7. Christmas has always felt so much more special when it has been a snowy one, lucky you. Last year we were in the snow in Switzerland but this year we are in Wales and having to contend with flooding all over the UK. Thankyou for calling by my own Christmas post, I hope you enjoyed the music. Happy New Year.

  8. Very beautiful and Christmasy! Here in Greece the weather looked more like Easter with a glorious sun and warm temperatures! Well, we can't have it all can we? I would like to wish to you and your family a very Prosperous and full of Joy New Year Marina!

  9. Great that you had a white Christmas! We got just a dusting of snow, which was OK by me.

  10. What type of cake is that in the last photo?

  11. I'm so jealous! :) It looks so beautiful! I'always a sucker for a white Christmas! Hope it was as wonderful as it looks! Chris

  12. It's been so long since I had a white Christmas or even a cold Christmas. Your photos make me so homesick. It's the hottest month of the year in Australia and though I've been here a long time, it's never felt like Christmas. :)

    I hope 2013 brings you nothing but joy, my friend!
