Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Southside Rebels, and Graduation is Just Around the Corner (Photos)

Last night when our Teenager received a Varsity Letter Award I was fighting tears. It was another moment of realization that my baby has become a grown man and in a few weeks he will graduate from high school and enter the real world. 

When did he grew up?! 

See you,

P.S. It looks like we will be moving back to Washington State in July. And we also have two graduations: our teenager is graduating from high school in May, and my husband is graduating from the residency in June. With all that said, my posts will be sporadic for the time being, until we move and settle somewhere. I also may not be visiting your lovely blogs as often as I'd like to.  But I think of you all often. 


  1. Congrats and good luck to your son! You have a busy time ahead of you, but we'll all be here waiting for you when you have time to devote to blogging again. ;-)

  2. Congratulations to the graduate. He is a good looking young man. I know you are proud. Looks like a very busy summer for you, dear. Don't overdo. Blog when you get a chance : )

  3. Congratulations to the graduating athlete and his and his family. After all, you all went through high school together. :)
    Take your time, Marina, and get done what you must before returning. We'll be here waiting fto welcome you back, anxious to hear all about it. :)

    1. Thank you John! It is so sweet of you to come visit my blog! I have the best bloggers-friends! :)

  4. Congratulations to your son Marina! Though I'm sorry, I must admit I have no idea what a "Varsity letter award" is... I've heard the word Varsity used a lot in the US before - no idea what it means though. From the other comments here though it seems to be quite the accolade, so well done him! :)

    1. Hi Charles, don't be sorry: I have no idea what a Varsity is myself. I just know that is someone at school plays sports they all want to be in Varsity team. So it must be cool. Thank you for your comment! It is nice of you to remember me.

  5. They do grow up too fast! Congratulation on a job well done! Have a Happy Mothers Day!

  6. Congratulations my friend, this is so exciting an event :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  7. Congratulations to your son and to you and your husband too, you both did a marvelous job raising a wonderful young man.

  8. They grow so fast Marina. My daughter is 11 all ready. Congratulations to your son and your family. Very good photos Marina, very "reportage", I love it like this!
