Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pasta and Meatballs

I really enjoy making pasta with my new toy - Kitchen Aid pasta attachment. I also enjoy eating pasta, which had never happened before. 

Pasta and meatballs

For our Saturday lunch I made a simple meal: pasta and meatballs for my men, and vegetarian version for myself. I used a vegetable stock as a light sauce base. 

Pasta in light spicy sauce

I purchased a semolina flour and will be experimenting with it soon, I've read it's a bit tricky to work with, but the result worth the effort. Stay tuned to see how it turns out. 

Dessert: mango and raspberries. 

Happy Saturday, my friends!

See you,


  1. It's great that you're enjoying making pasta with your new attachment! I've not worked with semolina before either so best of luck!

    1. Thank you! I have some good comments below on it, so I'll give it a try too.

  2. Dear Marina, I used to make pasta with my mother when I was a little girl. We would arrange it carefully and hang it to dry, or lay it on a tablecloth on the table. These are good memories and the taste was delicious. These are good memories.
    I am sure that this is so delicious and very healthy for you and your family.
    Blessings my dear. Catherine xoxo

    1. Thank you Catherine! My mother taught me how to make pasta too. Those are the good memories indeed.

  3. Both the pasta versions look inviting to me.
    Semolina is great to use. I made "Upma" for breakfast (just for my husband as its not GF).

  4. I'm so confused - did you rename your blog or do you have more than one (...forgive me if you explained this all in a post somewhere that I missed)!? This pasta w/ meatballs looks so tasty, yet still healthy. And mangoes & raspberries? Yes, please!

    1. Yes Heather, I did re-name my blog and of March. That name didn't fit me at all, I was uncomfortable and felt like being locked in the cage. So I decided to change name and direction of my blog. Thanks to Google, transition went smooth. Thanks for visiting me!

  5. Your pasta looks delicious! I usually combine unbleached flour with semolina and it's fine to work with; 3 parts semolina to 1 part unbleached flour.

    1. Thanks you! I will try this ratio next time (hopefully soon) I make pasta.

  6. I've often wondered about buying that attachment. So you'd recommend buying it? I'd love to make more pasta at home :)

    1. Yes, I would recommend it. Although, I would personally buy only pasta roller, but as a gift I received all three. And I am thankful for it. (I know I answered to this question on your blog already). :)

  7. Homemade pasta is so much better than the store bought! It is a bit messy but it is certainly worth every effort! Both dishes look very appetizing and I am sure you've all enjoyed them very much!

    1. Hi Katerina! I don't find it really messy, especially when using attachment. But I do find it very delicious. I always wander: what do they do to a commercial pasta that it tastes absolutely different?!

  8. This pasta looks amazing! You actually made the pasta at home? That is so impressive. Looks so flavorful. Love your presentation too!

    1. Hi Asmita! Yes, I do make pasta at home as I can't eat store bought, it doesn't taste good to me. My mother showed me how to make pasta and I enjoy the process a lot, it's like meditation!

  9. This looks tasty! Ilove the dessert too! Is there anything better then pasta and meatballs? Great pictures!

  10. This looks scrumptious! I'm always up for pasta and meatballs, especially when they're together.

    1. Thanks Valerie! I've heard Italians don't eat it together though...:)

  11. What a healthy and delicious meal!! Beautiful photos, too :)

  12. I never made homemade pasta. It must be so good. For some reason I think it is very difficult. I love pasta, wish I can eat it every day.

    1. I didn't eat pasta until I started to make my own. I rarely made it for kids when they asked for it. No, it is not difficult at all. Before I got the attachment, I was making everything by hands. I do everything by hands now too, only use attachment for rolling the dough.

  13. You really didn't used to like pasta? You must have been in a very select club there. I make my own pasta from time to time when I have the opportunity and I love the whole process - really relaxing.

    1. Yes, I think I had a pasta-phobia some sort...:) It didn't taste good. I always loved homemade as my mother makes it from scratch. And she was patient enough to teach me. Now I enjoy pasta, and I enjoy freedom of making any pasta I want. That pasta I can eat every day! I do love the process too and yes, I find it very relaxing...

  14. This dish looks very inviting and delicious.

  15. Nothing could be better than this. Looks great.

    1. Thanks Val! After I've learned how easy it is to make pasta, I think I can eat it every day! :)
