Saturday, October 13, 2012


Pearls for my friends... :)

Dear friends,

Lately I've been slow on visiting all your wonderful blogs and leaving my comments. No, I am not ignoring anyone. I love every blog I follow and many of fellow bloogers became my good friends.
Usually when you have a news, you share it with your friends. So, here it is: I got a job. I got a job!!! In Seattle... Hence, in a few days I am driving from Arkansas to Seattle.

End of the yard sale: only couch was left...
Those two on the couch are NOT for sale! :)
With all the exitment came an enormous load of work: going through a lot of stuff, packing, etc. I have been working for a week non stop to prepare for a moving sale we had today. Now, when all furniture is gone, blogging becomes a bit difficult. Please, bare with me and do stop by... I hope to post from time to time until I settle down and return to cooking and normal posting routine.

I miss you all...

See you,


  1. Take care..moving is such a big event in one's life..
    But it all works out..Congratulations on your new career:-)

    1. Thank you! I am going back to my old job, same office, and many same people. It's been two years since we moved from Seattle, I wander about changes... :)

  2. Wow a big congratilations Marina on your new job!! I can't wait to hear more about it! And best of luck with the move :D

    1. Thanks Lorraine! Packing is no fun, we knew we would be moving, so we didn't buy any big items, only what we need. Apparently we needed quite a bit. I need to learn more about Spartan's lifestyle... :)

  3. Congrats on the new job, and have safe travels in your move.
    I'm looking forward to your posts from the beautiful Pacific Northwest!
    I love Washington!

    1. Thanks Della! I love Washington too, we lived there 10 years before my husband's job brought us to the South. We like it here too but we have another child up there, and teenager wants to go to school there. So we decided to go back. And I'll have more things to blog about! :)

  4. A big congratulation! That is exciting news! Quite a change from Arkansas to Seattle. Best wishes on you move and keep posting to let us know how you are doing.

    1. Thank you Holly! Yes, it was quite a change to move from Seattle to Arkansas two years ago to begin with... :) But I learned to like it here in the South, and I'll miss people and the sun! :)

  5. How exciting! I'm so happy for you! I'm wishing you the very best! Safe travels!

  6. Congrats on the new job and the move! Great news! We'll miss you while you move and get settled in, but we'll be here waiting for you when you return. Have a safe trip!

    1. Thank you John! I have a thought to post from our four or five days road trip, but you know how it goes. I'll do my best though... :)

  7. Wow, good luck Marina! I hope everything goes smoothly!

    1. Thanks Jane! Is there a secret to smooth packing? Let me know if you know it... :)

  8. Congratulation on your new job. Is that the job where you missed your plane? Safe and pleasant trip. Wishing you all the best.

    1. Hi Norma, yes that is the job where I missed my plane. I didn't expect it to be that quick... Thank you for your kind wishes...:)

  9. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear about all of your food (and life) discoveries in Seattle. Take care.

    1. Thank you Linda! That would be interesting to me too to enter the city I lived for 10 years before as a blogger... I am excited! :)

  10. Oh my! Congratulations! Seattle is a neat place. I visited once and loved the seafood! Creamy fish soups. Yum. The Public Market Farmers Market, the first Star Bucks. I was there for less than a day so I look forward to reading your posts about your new home.

    1. Thank you Sheila! I lived there for 10 years, and I too love seafood too. I am excited to see what changed in two years... :)

  11. Hope the move goes well. Good luck with everything.

  12. Well done on getting your job and good luck with the move. All the best XX

  13. Take care and be patient! we will be here waiting for your news!

    1. Thank you Katerina! You know, it was easier to move from one continent to another than a cross country move... :) I said to my husband that I am not buying anything anymore except what we really need... He said to write it down, so here it is, and you are our witness! :)

  14. O my! I am so happy for you! Marina all the best to you and your family. Good luck with everything!

    1. Thank you Yelena! I'll try to post from the road as well, come back to see where we are... :)

  15. Congrats for your new job :-D Wishin u all the best and hoping you'll settle down quickly and without any problems so that we all can read your wonderful recipes again:-D

    1. Thank you Joanna! I too want to open my kitchen soon and have a home cooked meal... :)

  16. Congratulations my friend, I hope everything settles down well for you :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  17. Congratulations, Marina! How exciting and good luck with your big move!

  18. Hooray for you!!! That is the best excuse for not blogging!!! We'll all be here for you when you get back to posting...and I know we'd all love updates on your move. Good luck, my friend.

    1. Lol, Lizzy! I am trying to find excuse for blogging though... packing is no fun, I'd rather be blogging...:) I do plan to post from my road, but will see how that goes. :)

  19. Congrat's! I love Seattle, it's a wonderful city.

    1. Yes, it is a wonderful city indeed. We lived there for 10 years, and it would be interesting to see what has changed in two years... I'll keep everyone posted... :)

  20. Congrats, how exciting! My brother lives in Seattle and he loves it! I'm sure you'll find the food scene to be super stimulating! =)

    1. Oh yes, we lived in Seattle for 10 years before we moved to the South two years ago. We love Seattle too, I am eager to see what changed. I can't wait to start cooking with those great ingredients! :)

  21. Oh how exciting! Congrats! It will be nice for you to be close to your daughter!!! :)

    1. Jess, thank you! As a mother you got my feelings, it will be very nice to re-unite with our daughter. She is still a little princess for me... :)

  22. Congratulations on your new job. Wishing you a safe and happy journey. Take Care and keep in touch when things settle back down. Take care, BAM

  23. Congratulations on your new job, Marina! Wow, that's a huge move from Arkansas to Seattle. Seattle is a beautiful place; I sincerely wish you the BEST with you new job and your new home!

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth! Yes, you are right: it a huge move, about 2,500 miles one! And I am driving...

  24. how cool--hope your move is fantastic!!

  25. Congratulations on your new job Marina! I LOOOOOOOVE Seattle and you will enjoy it - although the weather can be tricky there. At least sunny California is not so far. ;) Good luck packing and moving! I love packing and unpacking and wish I could help! =)

    1. Thanks Nami! We lived in Seattle for 10 years before we moved to Arkansas... And I am writing this respond from Sunny California! :)

  26. How exciting! Good luck, we'll be here when you get back to it!

  27. congratulazioniiiiii buon fine settimana
