Monday, December 3, 2012

Panini: Mozzarella Caprese, and Other Things...

Panini Mozzarella Caprese

There's nothing better for me than a warm cheesy panini on a December cool/cold hot day. Yes, you have it right: we have an area's record high temperatures for December: today it was over 80F (27C). I made kale chips last night, having oven on  for just 10 minutes, and we wanted to turn AC at night! 

Panini: Sauteed Eggplants 

Don't hate me, but the weather is just gorgeous. Not for cooking though. In the kitchen I have to make something really quick, panini quick. I've been making sandwiches every day with different ingredients. I love it all, however my all time favorite is Mozzarella Caprese. I can't just have enough of it. 

Ingredients for Mozzarella Caprese

NOTE: If you remember, a little over a month ago we (me and the teenager) were moving to Seattle. Yes, we did. But the job didn't work out for me, and we came back to Arkansas for the remaining seven months before my husband graduates from his medical residency. More on "why?" and "What happened?" I'll post some other time, when I am ready. The whole experience was extraordinary yet a bit tiring. We I drove over five thousand (5,230) miles, plus all the stress and decision making involved kept me pre-occupied for some time. 
We still moved to another apartment from our big townhouse. I miss my big kitchen...

Panini: Grilled Portobello Mushroom and Eggplant
with Mozzarella and Pecorino Romano cheeses with kale salad

Next seven months are our transitional time: the husband is looking for a job, getting his state license, teenager is working on his college application. 
Many things are going on at the same time, which fills our time from 6:30 AM to 10PM, and making the time to fly: I realized that I haven't posted in a week! 
Bare with me, and if you don't hear from me for too long, send me a note.:) 
I still have some photos and a few note worthy places to share from that road trip...


See you,


  1. Oh Marina. I was wondering how you were doing.
    The sandwiches looks delicious!! Yummy! I think you should write cook books, girl.
    We are having unusually warm weather here, too.

    1. Thank you Sheila. I am doing fine, and enjoy being here with my family and with my blogging friends. :)

  2. Nothing like a panini on a cool or warm day, beautiful photos too!

    1. Thanks! Since we moved I haven't find that perfect spot in my apartment yet... :)

  3. I am sorry it didn't work for you Marina! I know how much you wanted to get back to Seattle! I hope everyhting you plan from now on will end up as you want it! Thanks for asking about my son. He is doing fine in this new school and he is very happy with lots of new friends. Your panini look so yummy and delicious! I would love to have one at work right now!

    1. Thank you Katerina for your kind words. I have to tell you that it was my decision not to take the job for a reason I will tell later. And I never felt better: sometimes to understand what is our's and what is not we have to make that journey. We still plan to go back there, and my husband is in full gear working on his license in that state. But I am happy where I am, and one of the big lessons I've learn is to live not only in the future, but to enjoy this moment too.
      I am so glad to hear about your son! Being happy at where you are is very important, I know that! :)

  4. I'm sorry to hear that the Seattle job didn't work out! I can only imagine how exhausting it would have been! Meanwhile, this sandwich is all bliss! :D

    1. Hi Lorraine, you are absolutely right, it was very exhausting until I made up my mind and left. Then a huge wave of relieve came through me, and it was quite an interesting experience. I have no regrets whatsoever! :)

  5. I am sorry my friend, I hope everything looks up from here!
    Beautiful sandwich to enjoy :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Thanks Uru, you are very sweet person! :) I am fine, as a matter of fact it was my decision, and I feel good about it. And we drove through the beautiful country! :)

  6. That is one very long drive! Or rather two very long drives... I have the basil ready - in a month I sound have tomatoes. Not long to wait - I love cheese and tomato toasted sandwiches.

    1. It was a long two drives, but sometimes we have to drive some distance to understand what is what you want/need in your life. So, I have no regrets. Thanks, Liz, for your comment! :)

  7. Hope from now on all works out well for you and your family.
    Sitting down to breakfast and would love one of your sandwiches, thank you.

    1. Thanks Norma. Come over and I'll make you many sandwiches, and the weather is very nice here now too... :)

  8. It totaly is my kind of sandwich!!!!!

  9. So sorry the job didn't work out! What an downer. Better luck going forward. But you need no luck in the sandwich line - this is terrific! I love this sort of sandwich. And the weather lately has been amazing, hasn't it? Chilly weather ahead, though, at least here in St. Louis.

    1. Hi John, well, I am not sorry that job didn't work out. I feel relieved and have no regrets about my whole journey to Seattle and back. Sometimes we have to go all the way to understand that it's not for us.
      Chilly weather ahead is not for us yet, I am waiting for cooler days so I can bake some cookies! :)

  10. Too bad about the job, but I'm sure better things are on the horizon. Those sandwiches look so good, I want on right now!

    xox Lilly

    1. Thanks Lilly, it was my choice, and I am happy with it. Sometimes the journey is needed to understand where we belong. :) I love making those sandwiches, come down I'll share! :)

  11. What a turmoil you experienced in your life. I agree with Mamam Smith. Maybe something better in on the horizont. As Dalai Lama said one day: not getting what you wanted is sometimes a great stroke of luck. And looking back at my life it is so true :-)
    And I have to admit Marina that I envy you sooo much your "winter" temperatures. For the person like me that hates winter such high temperatures would be simply perfect. My summers have tendency to pass very quickly and cold winters are sooooooo long.
    All the best My Dear Friend :-)

    1. Thanks Joanna. Yes, you (and Dalai Lama) are right, and I am perfectly happy at where I am now.
      I don't like winter either, I don't miss boots, gloves, warm clothes even a bit! :)

  12. I'm sure you've made the right decision, Marina, and will be happier as a result. And you've taught "the teenager" that it's OK to change your mind. That's a valuable lesson and the earlier you learn it, the better.
    One of my favorite purchases of the past few years was my electric grill/panini maker. It can elevate something as common as a bologna sandwich. "Feed" it a caprese sandwich and the result is sublime. :)

    1. You know, John, actually the teenager and my daughter were the ones who taught me that it's OK to change my mind. I am so grateful for this lesson, and I've seen my kids acting as mature adults. That was a Wow-moment. :)

  13. The panini looks great...and perfect paired with the salad...perfect meal Marina :)
    Hope you are having a nice week!

    1. Thanks Juliana! Glad you enjoyed this post. Please, do come back! :)

  14. Wow! YOu have gone through so much in the past couple of months. I hope things will settle down for you soon :)
    I love sandwiches and the falvors in yours are AMAZING!

    1. Sawsan, you are so kind. Thank you for your warm words. :)

  15. I really love caprese! It is my favourite panino. Makes a great meal. Take care Marina X

    1. Thank you Alida. Yes, caprese is my favorite panino too! :)

  16. You really have gone through a difficult time of late. I hope things improve soon. That caprese panini looks great though :D

    1. Thank you Jennifer. I look at this as an exploring experience. :)

  17. Hi Marina! I'm so sorry about all the crazy transitions that are going on right now for you. It's tough to be in a transition stage. Just remember that it's only temporary and that there's a reason that things didn't work out as planned right now. I have had to learn that lesson, and I now know and believe that there are bigger and better things out there that I couldn't fathom at the time. I always know and tell myself that I'm in the right place at the right time with the right people!

    Take care and enjoy this beautiful weather that you have been blessed with. We usually get our "summer" weather in January. I love and savor it each year.

    1. Thank Jackie for your kind words. Yes, I do believe that everything happens for a reason. And my kids taught me a very good lesson too. I enjoy being in the moment: something I haven't done... well, never... :)

  18. Sorry for your trying time, but at least you aren't stuck in a job not to your liking! Your sandwich looks delicious and I need to get out my panini maker. Here's to a great future for you and your family!!!

    1. Pam, I am looking into that time as the time of re-discovery and new opportunity. And, we drove through a very beautiful country. :) Thanks for your comment!

  19. Wow Marina, what a crazy time it's been, that's a ton of road miles to put on! Hope things settle down a bit for you now. Paninis sound great, I too love that Caprese one, yum!

    1. Thank you Chris! I feel as a huge weight fell off my shoulder, really... :)

  20. I hope things start taking a turn better for all of you--goodness knows you deserve it! I'm glad you've found time to slow down and kip in the kitchen once in a while. Best wishes~

    1. Kitchen and cooking keeps me on track, really. When I cook, either simple meal or knead a bread dough, I am in Zen place... Thanks for your comment! :)

  21. Love that sunset but I think you already know how partial I am to sky shots. :)

    1. Thanks Lindy! I can't help it either to take a photo as every night we witness such a beautiful sunsets...:)

  22. No matter how cold it may be here (and it IS cold!), I would love to have one of your paninis. I miss summer and aromatic, real tomatoes...

    1. I miss summer too, Sissi. I don't like winters at all. :)

  23. I could live on this kind of `meals´, bread and italian toppings. They make me hungry! It is the perfect thing to eat when you have a lot going on.

    1. Thanks Paula! I could live on those meals too. :)
