Thursday, February 2, 2012

Digital Times Call for Digital Measures

A very first shot...

Today I spent most of my free time  reading a new camera's manual and getting to know my new digital friend. How did it go? It went all the way to page 28 from 258 pages of the Manual. 
I feel like I am learning a new language! What did I signed up myself to with this camera? As you know, this camera was my long, a very long time dream. Such a long time that the Canon replaced several models in this line... 
No, I don't think this long each time when buying anything. It took me just a few weeks to choose a new car: I went from Toyota to ... Toyota.  
The rest of my purchases just go through my head in this order: need? buy! don't need? don't buy! 

This was a first time I was so meticulous, so detail oriented, so difficult, if you want. Reminds me of that episode in When Harry met Sally where they were in the restaurant and Sally was ordering:
"But I'd like the pie heated and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it, if not then no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it's real; if it's out of the can then nothing".

Back to the camera. I am in the process of becoming a friends with her. Yes, it's a girl but she hates(!) pink, brrr... 
First, I think, she needs a name. 
It would make my relationships with her much warmer and funnier. And then I can share all my secrets with her (oh, well, maybe not all but many), and through her eyes with all of you, my friends.

So lets think of the name. Do you have any suggestions?

Until next time,
Cowboy Country Vegetarian


  1. Lol! You remind me of my sister, she names everything! Congrats on your new acquisition, cameras are so much fun! The first day I got mine I spent two hours taking pictures of a stink bug that was resting on my basil plant! Mmm...what about Priscilla? (lol, my husband just came up with that name). Enjoy!

    1. you are so sweet! Thank you and thank your husband for the name: it will go into the hat for a drawing...:)

  2. How about 'Third eye". You are funny and love being your follower.

    1. Thank you Balvinder for a suggestion and visiting me here!

  3. Hi Marina, I've just become your lucky 15th follower! Good luck with the reading! I hate reading manual but I did spend some time reading my camera manual when I first bough them few years ago! Looking forward to see great shots from you!

    1. Thank you Jessie! I am glad you like it here. Maybe over weekend I will go through the manual and get some cool shots.

  4. I hear you loud and clear. I have a new one that scares me to death. I hope I have an attack of the braves real soon :-). Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. That's exactly what I had: attack of the braves...:)

  5. My suggestion: Snappy :D I just found your blog and now I am you happy follower!

    1. Oh yes, this one is sure snappy! Thanks for following. I enjoy your blog very much!

  6. You don't want me to name your camera. I had a computer name Harold and my cats were Pellinore, McGill and Kasha. Besides, this must be the honeymoon phase...

    1. Claudia, you are a very fun person! I love computer's name Harold. My comp doesn't have a name... I think I will smile thinking of Harold each time I turn on my comp.

  7. Oooh, I like the name Snappy, too! I'm popping over from Ann's blog...and another new follower :)

  8. wow...still Am stumbling to be friendly with manual option in my new SLR too..but couldn t find time to experiment out the lengthy description in the manual book..;)
    good luck to you..!
    Tasty Appetite

    1. Thank you Jay. I am through reading Basic Shooting (not that I remember everything!) Next one is Creative shooting, then Advanced.... I decided to work on my basic skills first...

  9. Wait....what?? You got a new camera? I am SO jealous. Have fun playing around with it. There are tons of good articles online these days. I am chomping at the bit to buy a new one.

  10. In all my excitement I forgot to offer up a name. Since light is key to all photos I vote "Illuminate" or "Sunshine". Or nickname her W.B. for white balance.

    1. Thank you Kim, It was a long awaited camera. For a few years I was taking photo with my cell phone... How cool is that?!
