Monday, February 6, 2012

Spring Rolls

Spring really rolls into town...

This simple weekend meal was a big hit, and intriguing ingredient had some teasing effect to it. 
So, my dear friends, let me reveal what was wrapped in that rice paper: Enoki* (Enokitaki) mushrooms instead of a traditional  rice noodles and bean sprouts. Those mushrooms have a crunchy-crispy texture, and they look like noodles, somewhat. 

Enoki are white long ones, Beech mushrooms are to the right

Another two mushrooms for the spring rolls were Shiitake mushrooms (delicacy loaded with a healthy benefits),  and Brown Beech mushrooms, that have a pleasant nutty flavor. 

  • Heat the cast-iron or stainless still skillet on a medium-high setting.
  • Add an oil of your choice (I used a little olive oil).
  • Add Shiitake to the skillet and cook for 10 minutes, stirring a few times. 
  • Then add Enoki and Beech mushrooms, and continue another 5-7 minutes.
  • Season with salt and pepper. Taste. Adjust the seasoning.
  • Remove from the skillet.
  • Julienne cucumbers, carrots, or any vegetables of your choice, add a few herbs (cilantro, dill, or parsley)
  • For a vegetarian roll - I used tempeth, for non-vegetarian - any meat of your choice. My son had his with a shredded pork. 

Follow the instruction on a rice paper package. 
I wasn't quick enough with the first one,  it all became soft, sticky, and I had to peel it from the board. 

Prepare all of the ingredients first, have it all ready before you, and only then  start with dipping rice paper in a water.  

Serve with a dipping sauce of your choice. We had it with a hot chili paste. Our son put on his some ketchup... no comments.

Easy and delicious. I am going back to Asian Market for more Enoki mushrooms, they are great in soups too.

*Studies show that Enoki are high in proteins and antioxidants. 

Until next time,
Cowboy Country Vegetarian


  1. I knew I was going to love this recipe! This is a keeper!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love what I see here. Beautiful pictures and very interesting posts. I am definetely going to follow you!

  3. Wow, making me hungry just looking at the pictures! And I love enoki - they look like something from outer space!

    1. Thank you Dan. You think so too? I was walking around those Enoki mushrooms back in Seattle thinking: are those even edible? Then I tried it... it was love at first sight!

  4. I love enoki mushrooms. where i grew up, they are so easily available, but here in london, they cost the earth and are hard to find too. it's really interesting how you substituted the rice noodles and bean sprouts with these mushrooms, I can imagine their slightly springy-crispy texture working perfectly! a plus point that they're so high in proteins and antioxidants too, i didn't know that!

    1. Thank you Shu Han. I can tell you a secret: I don't like rice noodles too much, but I needed something that looks like it. And Enoki perfectly served it's purpose here.

  5. I love those mushrooms. What a fun recipe.

  6. Your spring roll filling sounds delicious. And great photos.

    1. Thank you. Those are my actually first steps in photography... I appreciate your comments on it.

  7. Lovely mushrooms spring rolls, I'll give you a +1! And thank you for the visit and comment, which made me discover your blog :-).

    I am now following you!


    1. Thank you Alessandra. I hope +1 is good... :)

  8. Marina I never had any of these mushrooms. But I would love to try this gluten free spring roll.

    1. I was just researching the Internet if it is gluten free. Thanks Balvinder!
