Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend in Photos

Football, aka soccer food in our family...

Some of the fellow bloggers commented that the new camera is addictive. 
I've been busy all weekend long, but at some moments I did remember that I had a new camera and took a few pictures. Here is our weekend in photos:


Homemade Spring rolls

While building a greenhouse...

someone forgot to read the instruction, and had to pay the price by taking it apart to switch some panels...

Squash ... dip? spread? caviar? you name it!

Saturday dinner: garlic and cream (organic pasture raised) mashed potatoes with sauerkraut...

In case you wander what happened to those apples:

It is addictive...

I will be posting some of the recipes of the weekend food here this week. Those spring rolls have an interesting ingredient!
And please, help me name that squash whatever it is dish! 

Until next time,
Cowboy Country Vegetarian


  1. So you had a nice weekend taking some good clicks. I am taking picture with same old camera which is only good for traveling and I have hard time taking a closeup.

    1. I am having a hard time taking closeup photos too. It's all new to me, so I just learn as I go and do my best in the kitchen. Thanks for your comment Balvinder!

  2. Hmmm, your spring rolls look delicious.Did you eat them with chilli paste?I'm impressed! Oh sauerkraut, it always served with Belgian/German's food!

    1. Thank you Jessie. Yes, we had spring rolls with chili paste, we wanted it hot!

  3. Hi Marina, Found you through your comment on Cafe Liz. I enjoyed this post and the previous one with the stuffed artichokes. You seem to have good ingredients. What kind of markets do you shop at? Do you have an Asian market for the spring roll wrappers, or do you find them in a regular supermarket?

    1. Thank you Faye. My all time favorite stores to go to are Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, none of which exist here. Farmers markets is another favorite place for fresh, local, seasonal ingredients. That's all from Seattle's life. Here I do most of my shopping at Squash Blossom, a very little store but they are kind enough to order a fresh organic produce for me in bulk. Therefore sometimes I have a lot of one ingredient to work a whole week with...:) Spring rolls are from local Asian market.

  4. Hi Marina, I am calling by to welcome you as my latest Google follower on News From Italy. It is much appreciated and I look forward to getting to know you via your blog, as I always follow back. It looks like you did a lot of eating of delicious food this weekend.

    1. Thank you Lindy. I am glad you came here. I love your blog and your writing style. Food was delicious even though it was quick and simple.

  5. Yes - can go through a bushel of apples in no time when they're fresh! Envying you your greenhouse. Adore sauerkraut!

    1. Thank you Claudia. Greenhouse is another challenge I took upon myself: the weather here is changing from below freezing at night to a hot day. Go figure how to raise those plants! But I love tomatoes and cucumbers, and everything else from the bush! :)

  6. Can't wait to see the recipe for the rolls Marina! They look delicious!

    1. Thank you Katerina. The recipe is in tonight post. So come back, please.

  7. Oooh, I'd love a plate of your spring rolls...mmmmmmm.

    1. Come over for lunch! I always have a plate to share...:)

  8. Those spring rolls look great! I'd call it squash surprise!

    1. Thank you. Well, you may use squash in it too but those were made with cucumbers... and other ingredients, which I will reveal tonight...

  9. I'm terrible at names, so I won't even try and help you there. I'm the girl that wold name her dog Spot and be done with it just to save myself the stress! Can't wait to see more pictures from the new camera...

    1. Thank you Jen. I feel as I embarked on a completely new journey with this camera, and making a baby steps on it. But with such a great support from community of bloggers, I can learn to use it and present my dishes (and not only) in a better light... :)

  10. Thank you Robin. I am working on a recipe (?!) and will post it tonight.

  11. Looks great, looking forward to your recipes, the squash dip and of course the spring rolls, look dleicious. I like that green house, I just planted seeds yesterday, lots of arugula, some romaine, carrots and the ever present basil.

    1. Thank you Suzi. Thanks for reminding me to plant some arugula and lettuce.

  12. I have always wanted a greenhouse in my backyard. Looks like you had a very productive weekend.

    1. Thank you Kristen. Yes, it was a busy one, had to cook some very simple meals though.

  13. Those dishes look amazing, can't wait for the spring rolls recipe. The squash dish looks like a Chutney? (looks delicious)

    1. Oh no, Ruth, it's not a chutney. Much simpler...:) Tonight I am posting a spring roll, and after that I will make a photo recipe for squash spread. Thanks for coming over.
