Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kitchen Mystery Resolved

I was working on the recipe and a next post but don't  feel that it's coming out the way I want. So, I decided to leave it until I am able to comprehend better all things around me. Today was the D-Day, the dentist day, and I had my wisdom tooth removed. My left brain hemisphere, along with face, mouth, etc., is numb and malfunctions.

However, I didn't want to leave my blog abandoned for today. I have a few pictures to share.
First, is an answer to the buzzing question "What happened to that knife?" from the Kitchen Mystery post. 

My favorite knife met a jar of Lingonberrie preserve, and couldn't handle it. 

Second picture is another  teasing question: 
Part of which common vegetable is this? 

Dill and ...

Let me give you a hint: often times this part is ignored and discarded.

So, what vegetable is it?

Until next time,
Cowboy Country Vegetarian


  1. The veggie looks like hunks of potato or the center of a pineapple..which is NOT a veggie! heehee! I sure hope your mouth heals up quickly! That is NO fun to get done...I remember! Hugs! ♥

  2. I was thinking potato, too, but it's not commonly discarded. Can't wait to hear the answer. Hope your mouth feels better soon~

    1. You're right, potato is not discarded. Come back soon for a picture of the whole vegetable.

  3. What? Were you trying to open a jar with knife.

    Marina, Now that's interesting. hunh ! It looks like cauliflower stalk to me. I have never peeled celery root,so not sure.Get rest, drink soup which I am sure you are making with this vegetable and dill. See you next Wednesday.

    1. Balvinder, no, I wouldn't dear to do it to my favorite knife. It was someone else. :) Thank you for your kind words, Balvinder.

  4. Get well soon :-) I was also thinking turnip or radish, but then I am no expert on veggies...

    1. Thank you Suchi. Come back to see the picture of the whole vegetable.

  5. It looks like (a lot of) cauliflower stalks but I don't think they're that thin. Some sort of root vegetable...^^; Most people will tell you that I'm not the greatest guess with this sort of stuff. Have a great day, Marina!

  6. As a veggie, I am so pleased to have discovered your blog.
    I've never had lingonberries so I will have to look out for them.
    The vegetable, mmm I can't quite guess. I would have said cauliflower, but these look too neat. Sticking with cauliflowert for now.

    1. Thanks for visiting me here. I am glad you like it.

  7. Hmm, there's been a lot of cauliflower guesses but I think I'll go for something different. I'm thinking the root of something - celery root, or parsley root perhaps.

    1. Thank you, Liz. Is parsley root discarded?! For us parsley root is such a delicacy, that is hard to come by this days.

  8. I hope you're feeling better now. I'm SO sorry about your knife...UGH! They are expensive to replace! As for the veggie - I'm going with celery root....

    1. That knife wasn't expensive but it was super comfortable. I already tried several knives, nothing so far works for me even close to that knife. Oh, well... Maybe it's time to go for one of those a bit more expensive Shun knives (knife that was broken I bought for $6 at TJ Max some years ago).

  9. I told you it was a jar! It looks like a starchy vegetable but I have no idea what it could be :(

    1. Good guess, Ruth. However, when I posted that picture, I didn't know what was it. It took me a long talk with ... well, who did it, promising no retaliation, etc., until I was told what really happened to it...:) In the end, it's just a knife!

    2. Aww, I'm sure the lesson was learned and it's great no grounding was required :-)

  10. Oh, sad knife situation :) Parsnip or jicama? But the discarded part throws me off. Now I am curious!

    So nice stopping by to visit with you!

    Kindly, Lorraine
